Whether you're a seasoned cactus enthusiast or just growing a few plants on the window sill you'll probably find that at some stage you'll want to get together and talk to like minded people. That's where the British Cactus and Succulent Society comes in.  There are branches all over the country that have regular meetings. It doesn't cost much for membership (£20 for full membership, less for concessions) There is a quarterly magazine (Cactus World) and, as if that wasn't enough for the bargain price, there is also an annual seed distribution where you can buy excess seed from other members for a very reasonable price.

I joined the society 5 years ago when I moved to Kent. My local branch is Dover and we have a monthly meeting in a village hall where we have speakers giving talks about various cactus and succulent related subjects. A monthly table competition to display and compare plants. Cactus sales, occasional auctions and a raffle. We also have an annual show with several categories to enter so all in all it's a lot of cactusy fun 😁🌵

I'll put a link to the B.C.S.S. below, please check it out and consider joining. You can be a normal member or get involved in the running of the society if you'd like, volunteers are always welcome.

I'll also put a few videos of events for you to have a look at 🙂🌵