Cactus and Succulent Propagation

We are a small scale grower based in Kent in the U.K. between Canterbury and Dover. 

 We have a display cactus house that we love to show people around and also a polytunnel with plants for sale.  

Although we are usually here we only open by appointment so as to avoid wasted journeys.  Just let us know when you would like to visit and we'll arrange a time.

       Email :              

       Phone :                                   07871 261 520 

Mobile reception is terrible here as we are on top of a hill in the most populated corner of England 😒

Text messages get through after a while though so it's probably best to use those. I only have a Nokia 3310 though so it's no good sending anything other than text 😁


We're not huge growers with rows and rows of plants but we do have an interesting selection of Parodias,  Mammillarias, Opuntias and other Succulents. 

On Line Sales

Currently we do not have a shopping cart but instead we will put up details of plants that are currently available.

If you are interested in purchasing any please contact us by email and we will arrange a time for collection. You can pay through our paypal donations link which will also accept debit and credit cards but we prefer to use cash as it is non programmable. 

We do not have a click and collect service as we heard that the Devil always collects and we don't want him coming round.

Ziggy's Cactus Channel on You Tube 🎬

Click on either of the pictures below to go to our You Tube Channels

Ziggy's Coast and Countryside Channel on You Tube 🎬

The introduction to my You Tube Channel 🎬